Sunday, October 18, 2015

Michael Kiss - A Moment With the Greatest Tribute

There are many Michael Jackson impersonators the world over who have done tours for years. However, there is one Michael Jackson look-a-like that shines above the rest. It was one small meeting that gave me enough of an impression to invite Michael Kiss to New Zealand for a one off show.

I attended the Michael Jackson anniversary events in Los Angeles in 2014 and met Michael Kiss as Michael Jackson during one of the meet and greets. When he arrived, everyone turned their heads and immediately crowded around wanting to take photos. From head to toe Michael Kiss is so much like Michael Jackson that it's uncanny. Not only that, he uses the same voice, walks the same, and has the same proportions, even the hands. I stood back from the crowd, but was encouraged to get a photo too and was bewildered by the eruption of camera flashes as I stood there. There were fans clinging onto Michael Kiss and giggling as if he was the real deal.

I've never really been much of a supporter of tribute artists. They seemed almost silly to me. Why would someone dress up like an artist and copy someone famous, when they could be something great in themselves? But it was probably because all the tributes I'd seen up to this moment didn't live up to my standards! MJ fans know Michael Jackson so well that it seems no one could possibly do him justice. Even the most famous MJ tribute artists simply don't have that element.

I was walking along the beach at New Brighton in Christchurch, near midnight when I was thinking up ways to bring Michael Jackson fans together in New Zealand. Los Angeles is such a far off place and there are many fans in the Southern Hemisphere. All of a sudden I thought, "of course, Michael Kiss!"

I walked about another mile trying to figure out if this idea of mine was even possible, I'm not even a tour manager; I am a fan, I had the funds, and I knew what MJ fans loved. At this point I was so excited I turned around and ran back through the thick sand dunes, almost tripping over myself to get to the car. I needed to get back home and research this. Probably the best exercise I'd had in a long time! It had to be Michael Kiss, or no one at all.

It was one massive adventure organising a show that seemed to grow and grow to scary proportions once it got going. Despite a few setbacks, the show was a wonderful success. There were skeptics and critics along the way, who truly never understood the purpose of the show, nor the work of an individual fan to achieve such a thing. It was there to bring fans together, and celebrate MJ, as well as MK, and we did!

I've found that it's when things don't go exactly to plan, that you learn about the true character of someone. Michael Kiss was an absolute delight to work with. He proved to be exceptionally patient, flexible, very passionate about delivering a perfect show, and had a very positive attitude.

Michael Kiss not only dances, and sounds just like the King of Pop, he has the perfect "look." Everyone featuring in the show were astonished at how much of the "real deal" he was. They walked around wide eyed, and so happy to be working with a tribute artist far beyond just a regular tribute. I could see that everyone felt deeply impressed.

Before the show, Michael Kiss laid out each costume that he has carefully picked. Each costume piece was absolutely beautiful, and suited Michael Kiss impeccably.

Okay, I'm finally going to put this out there in the open. In my opinion, most tribute artists don't get the costumes right. They're often oversized, undersized, tacky material, or extremely generic. And I don't even want to begin with the gold pants. Michael Jackson fans have very high standards; strange material, short legs, a flat butt and a pillow stuffed down the front do not do anyone justice. There I said it. Michael Kiss is the ONLY tribute artist who has his costumes designed, picked, or ordered perfectly to suit HIM. This is such a key element to a performance of Michael Jackson. From the hair, make-up, body-frame, height, voice, jackets, pants, socks, shoes, Michael Kiss has the details down. The knee pads and masks were also authentic looking, and very awesome.

Michael Kiss, our guitarist Hamish, and I went out and about to see the reactions of the public. As Michael Kiss walked by stores and browsed aisles, it was the most incredible and fun experience to see people almost breaking their necks and their eyes popping out of their heads as they double took. Some people just stared, others giggled, and many screamed and ran up to him for photos, from little kids, right up to mall security. They were all impressed (and probably shocked).

Michael Kiss also worked wonderfully with the artists involved; musician Hamish Gilmour, Latin Fire Dance Troupe, and Leving's School of Dance supported the Christchurch, Love on the Dance Floor show, and I thank them endlessly for their wonderful contributions. Michael Kiss was friendly, polite, helpful, and a breeze to talk to.

What I was most impressed by however, was Michael Kiss's impression on the fans, and his eagerness to give all he could. He was able to make a difference to charity through a donation from the show to Aviva Family Violence Services who were very grateful for his support. He was very passionate and his drive to give to causes, as well as going out of his way for individual fans came straight from the heart. He spoke with emotion about the difficulties faced in the world today. He made a big difference to individuals through this show in New Zealand, yet he despaired that it still wasn't enough. Behind the wonderful Michael Jackson act or persona, is a very special, funny, courageous person with a tonne of creativity.

Michael Kiss also visited a local preschool, and the children still remember his visit months on, and ask about where he is, and why he chose to be a Michael Jackson impersonator. I was amazed at how well he interacted with all of the children. He was able to converse with them so beautifully, and they ran around the entire preschool showing him everything.

With the right support and input, Michael Kiss will go a very long way to become an exceptional part of Michael Jackson's legacy, and this has already been acknowledged recently with an award presented to him by Latoya Jackson.

You can check out his Instagram for more pics michaeljacksonlookalike

Michael Kiss created a moment to cherish. He continues to improve and define his look as Michael Jackson so much so that each new picture is all the more impressive. Michael Jackson would be proud, and I am also proud that there is someone out there who not only keeps MJ's legacy alive through his performances, but also believes in creating a better world, and makes it a much happier place simply by being his own person.

We're now waiting on a tour!

Michael Kiss - Love on The Dance Floor, 2015
By Rachel Gillard-Tew

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